Broken Steps

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No New Posts start here ♦

here you will find all the information you need to get started. it's not too hard, just a bit of reading and understanding. heck, if you have any problems send a PM to the admin, we're always willing to listen and help out.

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

Sub-boards: ♥ the rules, announcements ♥, ♥ the store, Staff Chatter ♥

10 17 Contest!
by aivia
Sept 21, 2011 16:03:30 GMT -5
No New Posts ♦ next steps

here is the second step to survival on the forsaken. this is where all the in character materials will be stored. check it out and see what you think!

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

Sub-boards: ♠ the biographies, accepted bios ♠, ♠ journals and logs, plot and rp searches ♠

20 40 Tawnie
by ♦ royalpain13
Oct 3, 2011 22:56:11 GMT -5
No New Posts storage bins ♦

all accepted applications and ooc files will be kept here. please note once something is moved to the archives it will not be pulled back out.

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

Sub-boards: ♣ dead characters, inactive characters ♠, store reciepts ♣, ♣ dead threads

1 2 free small item purcase
by ♦ royalpain13
Sept 5, 2011 0:28:28 GMT -5

into the world

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No New Posts ♦ mount royale

on the northern most corner of Forsaken is mount royale. the old volcano is the whole reason for forsaken existing. the oldest part of the island, mount royale is home to the six gods of the elements. here is where inhabitants must go to receive quests for powers.

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

Sub-boards: complete quests ♥, ♥ air quests, fire quests ♥, ♥ earth quests, water quests ♥, ♥ spirit quests, illusion quests ♥

19 57 Somethings not right here.
by ☽Sindri☾
Oct 3, 2011 23:08:34 GMT -5
No New Posts tempest beach ♦

the beach on the north-east side of Forsaken. tempest beach is, contrary to its name, a very peaceful beach. with gold sands and clear blue waters it's a wonder the beach is so often as empty as it is! perhaps it is because the beach hugs mount royale. . . or perhaps it is because Fraiy ventures into these waters. . .

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

2 5 one sea shell [quest]
by ☽Sindri☾
Sept 19, 2011 18:35:07 GMT -5
No New Posts ♦ broken meadows

the broken meadows are six pristine meadows each separated by a shall, clear blue branch of the river Naunch. the river bisects the island between beaches, with five branchs that go north to south through the meadows.

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

Sub-boards: ♥ whispering meadow, ♠ butterfly meadow, sunflower meadow ♠, ♠ burning meadows, moonflower meadow ♠, ♠ meadow mortum

8 12 burning up the sun
by righteous
Oct 6, 2011 19:23:33 GMT -5
No New Posts gathering woods ♦

the gathering woods is a neutral zone where inhabitants of all alliances may find themselves conversing with their opposition. it is not uncommon for trades and treaties to occur here. commonly found here are bachelor herds and leaders.

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

Sub-boards: ♣ bachelor herd 1, bachelor herd 2 ♣

1 2 three leaves to smell pretty [quest] {/|0|\}
by ☽Sindri☾
Sept 19, 2011 20:13:58 GMT -5

gentle hearts

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No New Posts ♦ Lacuna Forest

Land Description: The trees are tall, the stream is pure. Seemingly sprung from nothing, this forest seems almost out of place. Looking in from the outside it's impossible to see inside. Its dark look tends to keep most away, but when on the inside, it takes a different look to it. The forest seems to make its own light, for it's far from dark in the heart of this land. Flowers have no trouble growing around the stream that runs through the entire forest. It seemingly disappears at the edge of the woods, and does not leave the forest. Cool on hot summer days, warm on harsh winter nights, the forest maintains its own temperature with the tall trees acting as its mediator. But at the same time, this place seemed to be missing something important.From the edge of the forest to the very middle, the sky and sun hold no spot here. The top of the trees block out the view of the vast sky and the warm, golden sun. They seem to be the only things missing from here.

the royal: Shayhen
the regal: none

Moderators: ♦ royalpain13, righteous

4 25 And you touched me.
by ☽Sindri☾
Oct 8, 2011 15:36:43 GMT -5
No New Posts herd two ♦

an unclaimed herd in the lands of the gentle hearted. with no one to explore these lands are as yet unknown. located in the north-central corner of Forsaken they border the northern dark herd and the other light herd.

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

corrupt souls

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No New Posts ♦ Blue Blood Mountains

The blood blood mountains are pretty much a large mountain landscape or at least most of it is like that. The tree's in the mountains are almost a blue color, which is how they got their name. The mountains are very cold and are hard and rocky with little good food on the ground. You hardly see wildlife here , except for wild wolves or something of that nature. Birds show their faces but they are mostly crows and such. If you find the right trail or know where you a headed there is a secret passage in the mountain. If you can open the passage way as well, you can get inside . Once you travel inside of the mountain you find yourself on the other side of the landscaping and into a very warm and lush valley. Everything inside of the land is green and lush. There is a blue green water fall that leads to bringing a stream threw the inside valley. The water is all fresh spring water. The grass at-least travels up to your belly and taste very good and sweet.

the Boss: Velociraptor
his Lady: xxxx

Moderators: ♦ royalpain13, v e l o c i r a p t o r

3 6 collecters and skeptics
by righteous
Sept 28, 2011 20:50:24 GMT -5
No New Posts herd two ♦

an unclaimed herd in the lands of the gentle hearted. with no one to explore these lands are as yet unknown. located in the southern corner of Forsaken they border the north-center light herd and the southern forest of souls.

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

out of character

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No New Posts ♦ games

members can come here and play games with each other. admin-hosted games will have prizes. member hosted games will not have prizes.

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts stepping back ♦

if you're going on a hiatus please let us know. we worry about our lovely members when they vanish on us, so for the sake of the admins let us know. a simple 'gonna be away, sorry' will do nicely.

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts ♦ tag you're it

affiliates and advertisements will be located here. this is a guest friendly board.

Moderator: ♦ royalpain13

Sub-boards: ♣ link backs, first encounters ♣

95 99 One Piece Revival: Falling Into Darkness
by Dusk
Dec 24, 2013 9:50:51 GMT -5


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